
US cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase suffered a “level of service outage

US cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase has suffered a “system-wide outage” making its services unusable for those looking to access the cryptocurrency exchange’s desktop or mobile phone.

Coinbase informed users of the outage on its official status page, explaining that the “major outage” began at 4:15 a.m. UTC on May 14.

Attempts to visit the website are currently showing a “503 Service Temporarily Unavailable” error message. According to the developer guide on Mozilla, the most common reason is that the servers are down for maintenance or are overloaded.

Coinbase is down

Official Coinbase Support X shared news of the outage in a May 14 post to X, saying they are investigating the issue and working on a solution. He reiterated that users’ funds are safe.

This is a developing story, and more information will be added as it becomes available.

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