
US antitrust official Jonathan Kanter to investigate sector

US antitrust chief Jonathan Kanter will investigate the country’s artificial intelligence sector in response to concerns about excessive scrutiny of a few companies.

In a Financial Times report, Kanter said he was studying the competitive landscape of AI and its “monopoly points.” This includes computing power, data used to train large language models (LLMs), cloud providers, engineering talent, and hardware.

US official wants to prevent artificial intelligence monopoly

According to Kanter, the AI ​​sector must act urgently to ensure that already dominant technology companies do not dominate the market alone. Regulators are concerned that AI is “at the highest levels of competition, not the lowest levels,” the official said.

The executive also said that real-time intervention could be the most important. “The beautiful thing is you can be less intrusive,” he added.

Kanter pointed out that graphics processing units (GPUs) used to train LLM degree holders are becoming scarce. Antitrust regulators are also examining how chipmakers can customize their advanced products as demand increases, the official said.

On May 23, GPU vendor Nvidia released its first-quarter earnings report, showing that its revenue increased 262% year-over-year. After the report was released, the company’s stock price hit a new all-time high of $1,007, bringing its valuation to over $2.5 trillion.

Nvidia Earnings Report. Source: Nvidia

Kanter said there are already government initiatives to boost production. This includes subsidies for chip manufacturing. In 2022, the Chips and Science Act was signed into law, allocating $39 billion in subsidies for chip manufacturing in the country.

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Fears of an artificial intelligence monopoly

In 2023, Janet Adams, COO of SingularityNET, expressed concern about big tech companies’ monopoly on artificial general intelligence, a conceptual version of artificial intelligence that can think and evolve like a human.

In an interview, Adams told Cointelegraph that the “dystopian” future many imagine with AI could happen if the technology was monopolized. The executive believes that these large companies will use technology “for the benefit of a few” and will not distract the world from inequality.

To avoid the worst, the executive believes that it is important to decentralize the development of AI using blockchain technology.

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