
The Memecoin Normie project, based on the original blockchain base of…

The Memecoin Normie project, based on Coinbase’s native blockchain, claims to have fired an intern after posting an offensive video on its official X account.

“After careful review and internal reflection, we have decided to remove our latest video,” Nurmi’s team wrote. “The intern who posted it was fired. We sincerely apologize to anyone who was offended by the content. We are determined to ensure this never happens again. »

The promotional video, which was released on June 10 to the dismay of the cryptocurrency community, appears to show a blue-skinned cartoon chef dancing to cooking tunes with severely exaggerated full lips.

Source: Nurmi

“How can this be the apprentice’s fault?” Did he direct and post the entire video himself? Did your team not approve it? one user commented. “Fire anyone who should have helped the intern and allowed this to happen.”

Nurmi explained that the desired message of the video is that “there is always a way out, even when everything happens to you, and that positive change starts with oneself.”

“Our intention was never to trivialize a sensitive subject,” they said.

Last month, Nurmi also suffered a smart contract exploit, in which hackers compromised 225 Ethereum (ETH) ($881,686) of user funds, leading to a $41.7 million drop in market cap of the token in less than three hours.

Normie later reportedly accepted the hacker’s offer to recover 90% of the stolen NORMIE tokens – although the price has already fallen 96% since the exploit – on the condition that Normie uses the stolen funds and 2.3 million dollars in its development wallet to launch a new token. compensation project for NORMIE holders.

On June 7, Nurmi claimed that the 192 ETH stolen in the incident had been recovered and the launch of his token to his new address had been completed.

Since April 1, 372,642 new tokens have been launched on the Ethereum network, 88% of which are on the Coinbase layer 2 blockchain.

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