
Donald Trump’s potential victory in the November election could lead to the rejection of several demands

Donald Trump’s potential victory in the November election could lead to the dismissal of several cryptocurrency-related lawsuits filed by the Securities and Exchange Commission, according to cryptocurrency lawyers – but others point out that he has a habit for not keeping your promises.

“I will not settle any cryptocurrency cases with the current SEC until I see how the election plays out,” crypto attorney James Murphy, known as “MetaLawMan,” wrote in a May 26 post.

Murphy predicts “a very different SEC” given Trump’s recent crypto promises.

Last month, Trump presented himself as an option for the cryptocurrency industry, saying he “endorsed” cryptocurrencies, that the United States “should be the leader in this space,” and recently promised to commute the Silk Road founder’s life sentence. Ross Ulbricht if elected.

“I can imagine the willful dismissal of cryptocurrency cases initiated by (SEC Chairman) Gary Gensler’s regime where there was no fraud and no victims,” Murphy added.

Source: James Murphy

In a contradictory article on

“Just like Biden, Trump was previously anti-crypto and seeking votes,” he added.

Alexander Bloom, a partner at a major hedge fund, made a similar argument, commenting that Trump “has a history of making promises to people/groups desperate to achieve his own goals and then failing to honor those promises.”

Analysis by fact-checking site PolitiFact claims that Trump broke more than half of the 102 promises he made during his 2016 presidential campaign, abandoning 23 and keeping 24.

Trump also has a history of anti-crypto statements.

As president, Trump tweeted that he was “not a fan of Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies” because they “are not based on anything.” In 2021, he also claimed that cryptocurrencies “could be fake” and were “a disaster waiting to happen.”

about: Is Trump interested in cryptocurrencies? Bitcoin is the latest battleground in the US elections

This will not be enough to influence some leaders of the American cryptocurrency industry.

Mike Dudas, Block founder turned venture capitalist, said that while he hates Trump “on about 1,000 different levels,” his promises mean “he will allow me to make a living and provide for my family , investors, founders and their employees.” .”

Trump has a one-point lead over President Joe Biden in Morning Consult polls for the 2024 presidential election.

The United States is due to go to the polls on November 5.

review: Fear and doubt among lawmakers are the motivation behind the proposed regulation of cryptocurrencies in the United States.

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