
After the Paris upgrade, Tezos-based Layer 2 (L2) measurement solutions could arrive

Following the Paris upgrade, Tezos-based Layer 2 (L2) scaling solutions can achieve throughput of millions of transactions per second (TPS).

The 16th update of the Tezos Paris protocol was released on mainnet on June 5. Its goal is to make the network faster and more scalable.

One of the main goals of the Tezos upgrade and scalability roadmap was to maintain low transaction fees on the EVM-enabled Etherlink L2 network, including during high network demand.

After the upgrade, Etherlink is now cheaper than Arbitrum and Optimism, with an improved user experience (UX), according to Arthur Breitman, co-founder of Tezos. He told Cointelegraph:

“With the Paris upgrade, Etherlink users will benefit from an improved user experience: Layer 2 access time will be comparable to Arbitrum One and Optimism, but propagation latency of layer 1 will be (even) better.”

Etherlink has a final transaction duration of 500 milliseconds, with data propagating to the L1 mainnet in around 10 seconds. This will take two minutes in Optimism and seven minutes in Arbitrum One.

Despite the final gap, Arbitrum One and Optimism remain two of the largest Ethereum L2 TVLs, with the former worth $19.2 billion and the latter worth $7.8 billion in total value locked (TVL), according to L2Beat.

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A layer that provides data from Tezos to increase L2 throughput to over a million TPS

Tezos’ new Data Availability Layer (DAL) is the key feature of the upgrade, which aims to promote more decentralized network sharing through affordable hardware and bandwidth requirements.

The introduction of DAL will allow Tezos Smart Rollups to scale to implement millions of TPS in the future.

Tezos clusters have already reached 1 million TPS in a public offering in July 2023 through horizontal scaling, according to Breitman. This is to explain:

“This feat was achieved by leveraging horizontal scalability capabilities (1,000 clustered nodes running in parallel at 1,000 TPS each). The Paris upgrade enables the Data Availability Layer (DAL) on the mainnet, improving Tezos L1’s ability by orders of magnitude to authenticate mass data streaming.

TPS data updated after the Paris upgrade remained unavailable.

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Paris upgrade reduced block times to 10 seconds

The upgrade also reduced block times from 15 to 10 seconds to create a faster final transaction and reduce latency during payments. Faster payment confirmations can also improve user experience through decentralized applications (DApps) built on Tezos.

This new endpoint has significantly reduced payment latency, according to Tezos’ Breitman.

“This means that transactions on Tezos L1 will be processed and confirmed faster. “These enhancements were developed without compromising the robustness and security of the network, and make Tezos L1 even more attractive for mission-critical applications that require rapid settlement times.”

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Creating faster transaction times without sacrificing network decentralization and security is one of the most pressing concerns in the cryptocurrency industry and is known as the blockchain trilogy.

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The article Faster L2 Transactions and Lower Fees appeared first on European Investigator.

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