
A bipartisan group of four recommended a leader

A four-member bipartisan group led by U.S. Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer has recommended that Congress spend at least $32 billion over the next three years to develop artificial intelligence and implement safeguards. -crazy.

The Roadmap is another effort by the US government to regulate and promote the development of artificial intelligence. It comes six days after US lawmakers unveiled a bipartisan bill aimed at helping President Joe Biden’s administration impose export controls on top artificial intelligence models created domestically.

After months of meetings with industry experts and AI critics, the bipartisan task force identified the importance of investments in AI to keep the United States competitive with foreign competitors. and improve the quality of life of Americans – by supporting technology that could help treat certain cancers or chronic diseases. diseases.

Although the roadmap does not constitute a bill or a concrete policy proposal, it provides insight into the scope and scale of what lawmakers and stakeholders envision for future AI legislation, paving the way for more comprehensive and detailed policies in the future.

The senators’ proposal also calls for enforcing “existing AI laws,” including closing any loopholes or unintended harmful biases, prioritizing the development of testing standards to understand the potential harms of AI, and developing use case-specific requirements for AI transparency and explainability. .

The group also recommended new transparency requirements with the deployment of AI products and studies on the potential impact of AI on U.S. jobs and the workforce.

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The AI ​​Task Force is considered a leader in efforts to regulate the rapid advancement of generative artificial intelligence (genAI) and the development and adoption of artificial general intelligence. In February, the National Institute of Standards and Technology formed the AI ​​Safety Institute Consortium, which brought together more than 200 organizations to create safety guidelines for AI systems.

Experts say the United States is lagging behind many other countries, including the European Union, which has taken a significant lead in regulating artificial intelligence. In March, the European Union passed a sweeping new law governing artificial intelligence in its 27 member states, putting pressure on the United States to catch up.

The law created safeguards for general-purpose AI, limited law enforcement use of biometric identification systems, prohibited online social registration and AI manipulation or exploitation of user vulnerabilities, and gave consumers the right to file complaints and obtain “meaningful explanations” from AI Providers.

review: How to stop the AI ​​apocalypse: David Brin, author of Uplift

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