Orphan Black Season 1 Episode 3 Review: Echoes: Pegasus Girl

Given the amount of stories that were accomplished in such a short time, it’s almost hard to believe that this amazing series only consists of three episodes.

The first season of Orphan Black: Echoes is only a quarter of the way through, but it still doesn’t feel like enough to convey the past, present, and future of these incredibly well-written characters.

Lucy wasn’t as present as she should have been during the third episode of Orphan Black: Echoes season 1, as it focused primarily on Jules and where she came from, which works in the episode’s favor as the tone shifted back to its darker mood.

Lucy & Charlie - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

Although new characters appear with each new episode, this episode in particular served as the launching pad to push the story to a higher level.

With all that said, let’s move on to this episode and review the good and some of the bad, because even as great as this show is, it’s not without its questionable decisions.

Related: Orphan Black: Echoes Series Premiere Review: A Beautiful Bird in a Cage

First, there is no escape from analyzing aspects of future society in any sci-fi show, because many projects will carefully choose what clichés and stereotypes they want.

Recently, there has been an increase in “driverless car accidents,” as in the episode “Welcome to Upload,” and while there is potential, the protocols behind something like that would be ridiculous.

Pam: Well, I have some news, and it’s not good. I was in a head-on collision with a self-driving truck. I was sitting in the back. Your parents were in the front. They didn’t make it. I’m so sorry.
Jules: Well, what else?

The number of lawsuits against auto companies would blow up the auto industry, but credit Jules for handling the news calmly while keeping the industry together.

Jules - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

And again, it’s probably not that hard to stay calm about losing parents you don’t even remember having.

I’m not sad because they died, I’m sad because I don’t feel anything, I can’t remember them!


Regardless, what these people are giving her is her sick life story.

If this is a tactic to force her to bring out the latent memories from her print, they’re doing it in the most tragic and truly traumatic way possible.

What must be recognized as a deliberate choice or omission on the part of the book is the continued use of what appear to be images from the late 1980s or early 1990s.

Photos - Season 1 - Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

Seriously, with driverless cars and IV machines, you can put your hand on your arm, and it will find the vein on its own; how could these really old photos not be a red flag for Jules or any other character?

They didn’t even try to run the images through AI.

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Dr. Teller is a work of art, too, as she seems to choose the most emotional moments to drop depressing information on Jules.

Jules: And then I can live with my grandfather?
Pam: No, dear, your grandfather isn’t well enough to take care of you. He had a stroke. I thought you knew that.

It’s a testament to the show’s amazing storytelling that knowing that Jules is a replicant and then seeing these monsters impose this sad past story on her creates such an intense sympathetic reaction in the viewer.

Jules in the Classroom - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

It really makes us feel nostalgic for the quick jokes Uncle Felix made in the second episode of Orphan Black season 1 because even though this backstory successfully paints a picture of her past, it’s still frustrating on another level.

This is an official request to AMC for more Uncle Felix cartoons.

Again, they might try to force her to recover buried memories by telling her the story of the person she was copied from, but what possible purpose could that possibly serve?

Furthermore, who is this terrible woman Payton?

So, my mom was really mad at your mom for being three months late on rent. And I said, “Mom, that woman is literally dead now!”


They introduced the character for less than five minutes, which seemed like it was specifically designed to piss off the audience with this future main girl.

Jules is a better person than most people because I don’t think most people would have stayed calm in the face of that level of excitement.

Kira - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

It’s as if the people who created Jules’ past are giving her reasons to hate it, so she’ll choose to start over.

This is the kind of mind manipulation that would make Professor X clutch his pearls and let out a squeal of delight.

She’s definitely upgraded because I don’t know many foster families who live in high-rise luxury homes, but maybe social services has set their standards too high.

Related: Orphan Black Season 1 Episode 2 Review: Echoes: Jules

Of all these characters who clearly have hidden agendas and motives, the most interesting and complex character so far has been Dr. Kira Manning, who is easy to hate for being at the center of the entire operation.

Kira: Thank you for donating blood today.
Rona: Giving is one of our core beliefs in the Quaker community.
Kira: Yes, a lot of people have that belief.

However, she seems to have the biggest heart and the purest intentions and priorities, with her focus being as far away from herself as possible, though the same cannot be said for some of her colleagues.

No, my therapist says practicing joy is important. I’m sorry I didn’t get back to you sooner. I’ve been spending a lot of time with my mom and dad. And my Bengal, Genie, has a stomach problem that’s been the most stressful thing I’ve ever been through.


I’m glad to see that future problems are still relevant, but I have a hard time believing that someone who named their cat “Jennypur” is having a hard time finding joy in their life.

Charlie - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

But let’s get back to Jules, because while we sympathize with the girl, how and when did she start her own Breaking Bad business with these designer drugs she’s distributing to teens?

Friend: So, I ended up snoring the last one, and I tripped really hard. Like, my dream from the night before started happening right on the bus to school.
Jules: Yeah, that might be a bad idea.

This type of symptom is quite similar to hysterical blindness and sneezing.

But if there’s any character in this series who deserves the biggest, warmest hug, it’s Charlie.

The writers put this poor girl under a lot of pressure, and by design, the audience as well because every scene with her makes you feel like your heart is being pulled by how much guilt the girl feels because of the hitman who was sent to hurt Lucy.

Lucy: You did what you did to protect me.
Charlie: Why did we leave him on the ground? Like he never existed.

It’s getting too much. Drama is unacceptable in an intense series like this, but enough is enough.

Tom - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

Give her and the rest of us a break because we want to see the character happy again.

In fact, he gave it to Tom because, my god, this guy is exhausting with every word that comes out of his mouth, filled with the essence of toxic masculinity.

We all have our own personality and are our own true selves or whatever, but if that “self” is bad, then maybe you should look for a future pill that will recalibrate your personality.

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This episode introduced a new motto for life that was both perfectly expressive and somewhat disgusting.

“Forever wild. Forever free. Forever me.”


Is this the new “Live, Laugh, Love” motto because it would be too hard to embroider it on a middle-aged woman’s pillow?

Jules Reading - Season 1 - Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echoes

Then there’s this guy Darus, and I said this in my review of Orphan Black: Season 1 Episode 2, this guy Darus is probably the big bad, and he pretty much confirmed that during his exchange with Kira.

Kira: I want your word that you won’t hurt her.
Darus: Did I hurt her? Dr. Manning, I’m sorry. I’m a good person, not a movie villain.

Tell me you’re evil by telling me you’re not evil.

We’re so glad that Jules was able to finally discover the truth for herself.

Like everything Dr. Tyler said, it happened to me. Was she making this all up? I mean, what kind of asshole would do that?


Hopefully, that final moment between Jules and Lucy is a sign of things to come in terms of their friendship and working together.

Of course, the teenage version of me is a drug dealer.


Krysten Ritter seriously spreads her acting wings with this series as she shows an incredible amount of versatility that is completely engaging to the viewer.

So far, this series has been amazing, with top-notch writing, otherworldly acting, and expertly crafted dialogue.

Lucy Finds Jules - Season 1 Episode 3 - Orphan Black: Echo

Right now, there are a lot of questions that have yet to be answered, but as we mentioned above, this episode served as a launching pad for more action-packed plot twists to come.

Whatever the case, we’re addicted and can’t wait to see where Jules and Lucy’s path leads.

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Why do you think the difference between Jules and Lucy’s editions is only one year?

What do you think is the essence of the anarchist conspiracy?

Leave a comment below to let us know, and join us again when we review the next episode of Orphan Black: Echoes!

Joshua Pleming He is a writer at TV Fanatic. You can follow him on X.

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