Most searched in 24 hours in Jordan for Jaafar Hassan

Most searched in 24 hours in Jordan for Jafar Hassan THis distinguished personality was able to obtain a huge number of visits within a period of 24 hours on the Jordanian scene, and he was also able to occupy a distinguished position in global search operations.

Most searched in 24 hours in Jordan for Jaafar Hassan
Most searched in 24 hours in Jordan for Jaafar Hassan

Who is Jafar Hassan?

Jaafar Abdul Fattah Hassan is a Jordanian politician and former minister who held several positions including Minister of Planning and International Cooperation from 2009 to 2013, Director of the Office of King Abdullah II from 2014 to 2018, and Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Economic Affairs in 2018. He retired in 2018 and is the author of: The Political Economy of Jordan – Building in the Womb of Crises

From the articles of Jafar Hassan

The time available for intensive consultations in light of the elections for the new House of Representatives and elections that witness the participation of political and partisan forces is practically short. It is likely that Dr. Hassan, if he is officially and constitutionally tasked by royal decree to form the government, will be on his way to preparing to submit a request for confidence from the new House of Representatives.

Among the names that are certain to join the new government is the economic expert and former MP Dr. Khair Abu Silik, who is a candidate to take over the Ministry of Investment.

The team, which is supposed to be close to the economic empowerment track and economic brainstorming sessions and close to the new Prime Minister, includes former Minister Dr. Muhannad Shehadeh, former Speaker of the House of Representatives Abdul Moneim Al-Awdat, and others at the political-technocratic level, including researcher, writer and former Minister Dr. Muhammad Abu Rumman.

Veteran Walid al-Masry is also among the candidates, while there is likely to be no change in who holds the interior and foreign portfolios.

Jaafar Hassan is a well-known Jordanian politician and diplomat who held many governmental and diplomatic positions. The following is a simple table summarizing his professional career:

a period Location/Event
Births 1968
education – He obtained a Bachelor’s degree from the American University of Beirut.
– He obtained his Master’s and PhD degrees from the London School of Economics and Political Science.
1996-2000 He worked at the Jordanian Embassy in Washington and the Jordanian Mission to the United Nations.
2007-2011 Minister of Planning and International Cooperation in Jordan.
2014 He returned to work in the private sector and educational consulting.
2018 He was appointed Minister of State for Economic Affairs in the Jordanian government.
present He holds various positions in the economic and political fields.

Tasks of Jaafar Hussam, the Jordanian Minister

The following is the text of the high assignment letter:

In the name of God, the most gracious, the most merciful

Dear Dr. Jaafar Hassan, may God protect him,

May the peace, mercy, and blessings of God be upon you.

After relying on God, I entrust you with forming a new government after accepting the resignation of Dr. Bisher Al-Khasawneh’s government, in which you and your ministerial team will lead the next stage towards what we all aspire to in terms of progress and prosperity for our beloved country. The government’s compass will be to continue the national modernization programs with determination and efficiency to enhance our immunity and capabilities, as it is the state’s project for the future.

Jordan’s journey has always been full of achievements, and we have witnessed difficult stations and circumstances imposed by the region that affected us, but we have benefited from its lessons and through them, and we launched the comprehensive modernization project with national consensus, and today we are at the beginning of this project that outlines our journey at the beginning of the second century of the life of our beloved Jordanian state.

As I express my confidence and pride in you, and my appreciation for your efforts in all positions of public responsibility in which you have served with distinction and loyalty over the past three decades, I look forward to you carrying out your mission with all determination, will and resolve, and efficient institutional work and implementation, based on the clear vision established by the paths of political, economic and administrative modernization over the past years.

This requires an ambitious ministerial team that believes in the vision of modernization, and has a degree of efficiency, national responsibility, courage and perseverance in making decisions and finding solutions that serve citizens in overcoming obstacles. The government bears great and heavy responsibilities for which it will be held accountable. The tasks of ministers must be clear and specific with annual measurable goals, subject to continuous follow-up and evaluation in accordance with the comprehensive vision of modernization, and not hindered by hesitation or directed by interests other than the interest of the nation, and not lacking determination, effort and will to implement them, and for the citizen to sense their positive effects.

You and your ministerial team also have a responsibility to intensify direct field communication with citizens, interact with their issues and priorities, listen to their opinions, and share their trends and visions, so that challenges, needs, and aspirations are addressed, possible solutions are found, and available opportunities are built upon.

Brother’s country

The previous government, thank God, implemented essential projects and programs within our comprehensive vision for modernization. We must build on them, expedite their implementation, and ensure that they remain on the right track. A few days ago, Jordan increased its strength and durability by completing the first step in implementing the political modernization process and electing the 20 members of the House of Representatives.

The modernization project ensures political vitality in the transition to a new century in the life of the state. This modernization has become a reality today with the constitutional and legal amendments that led to a new House of Representatives that includes emerging parties. This House is only the first step on the path to political modernization, which must combine the efforts of all in order to move forward. The government has an important role in maturing and strengthening it through its relationship with Parliament and the parties, on professional foundations based on cooperation, legislation and oversight in accordance with the constitutional frameworks.

The government must work with the House of Representatives to consolidate the foundations and concepts of democracy in a way that strengthens our democratic and constitutional institutions and our political participation, through dialogue with the House and consultation with its committees, blocs and parties on matters and decisions that affect the lives of citizens, according to an approach that places the national interest above the interest of any party, and ensures that each authority respects the role of the other.

Strengthening the appropriate political environment to protect rights and freedoms, so that everyone can engage in the political project of the Jordanian state, and so that citizens can accept integration into public life with confidence and without hesitation, requires the success of this project, solidarity and a firm conviction that it is the project of all Jordanians towards establishing a programmatic party life that ensures the delivery of the citizen’s voice, priorities and needs.

It is also necessary to work on preparing for the upcoming local elections, which requires reviewing and improving the system of legislation related to them to enable local administration structures to perform their developmental and service role in the best possible way, developing oversight and accountability tools, building the capacities of members and employees of local administration structures, keeping pace with the digital transformation project, and enabling citizens to participate in determining development priorities at the local level and aligning them with the priorities of the economic modernization vision to achieve harmony between them, and in a way that ensures the optimal and most equitable distribution of development gains.

Brother’s country

Jordan is clearly moving forward in implementing the economic modernization vision, which is subject to continuous monitoring and evaluation, through the mechanism established in the Royal Hashemite Court and my personal follow-up, according to clear and announced executive programs and specific timetables, to unleash potential and achieve comprehensive sustainable growth, ensuring doubling investment and increasing job opportunities for the sons and daughters of the nation, and ensuring a better quality of life for our people. The government must work transparently and explain its working mechanisms accurately and responsibly.

Below is a detailed table about the life and works of Jaafar Hassan, who is considered one of the prominent figures in Jordanian politics:

a period Location/Event
1968 Born in Amman, Jordan.
education – BA in International Relations from the American University of Paris.
– Master of Public Administration from Harvard University.
– Master and PhD in International Economics and Political Science from the University of Geneva.
1991 He started his career at the Jordanian Ministry of Foreign Affairs as a diplomatic attaché.
1995-1999 He worked at the Permanent Mission of Jordan to the United Nations in Geneva.
2001-2006 Deputy Ambassador and Chargé d’Affaires at the Jordanian Embassy in Washington.
2006-2009 Director of the International Affairs Department at the Royal Hashemite Court.
2009-2013 Minister of Planning and International Cooperation in several Jordanian governments.
2014-2018 Director of the Office of His Majesty King Abdullah II.
2018 Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of State for Economic Affairs.
2021-present Director of the Office of His Majesty King Abdullah II.
Medals and Awards He received several international medals, including the Jordanian Planet Medal, First Class.

Jafar Hassan is currently Director of the Office of King Abdullah II Since 2021, after a long career in high-level diplomatic and political positions, he also contributed to setting Jordanian economic policies while holding the position of Minister of Planning. .

In this way, Jafar Hassan became at the top of the search results in a very easy way and you will be able to get a very high volume of visits within a short period.

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