Valuable stories and lessons from life
One of the greatest readings you can have is reading stories and lessons, because each story contains valuable lessons and sermons that will benefit you more quickly.
Each story is one of a series of stories and he expresses it through the experiences of others, and perhaps the essence of his entire life was embodied in a single situation that appeared before you in a few words that you read and take benefit and a lesson from.
The first story:
In a scientific experiment, he put a frog in a pot filled with water on the fire. What the scientists noticed was that whenever the water got hotter, the frog adjusted its body temperature, so the hot water became normal and acceptable to it. It continued to adjust its body temperature to accept the hot water until the water reached the boiling point, and the result was that the frog died.
The scientists conducting the experiment studied the behavior of the frog, which began to adjust its body temperature until it lost its life. The strange thing is that the scientists left the pot open from the beginning, the pot in which they placed the frog, and despite that, the frog did not try to jump out of the pot in an attempt to save its life, but rather preferred to remain in the pot and adjust itself to fit the center of the pot until the water reached boiling point and it died!
What the scientists concluded is that the frog exerted all its energy in balancing its body temperature and trying to adapt to the climate around it, despite the difficulty of doing so, until the temperature reached boiling point. At that point, it had no energy left to adapt, and it had no energy left to save itself at all.
The boiling water did not kill the frog, what actually killed him was his insistence on adapting and accepting a climate that was difficult to live with, to the point that he lost all the energy needed to escape for his life.
The moral of the story:
When there is a relationship in our life, any kind of human relationship, no matter how different it is in its type and essence, and you do not enjoy psychological comfort during it and you find yourself trying and trying hard to adapt and expending all your energy in accepting it, exhausting all your physical, psychological, mental and nervous energy as well, then you will lose yourself!
Don’t exhaust yourself in adapting, know the perfect time to jump in and save what’s left of you and your life.
Read also: Stories and lessons, truly the most beautiful things you will ever read!
The second story:
It is mentioned in our precious heritage that Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi married a woman called “Hind.” His marriage to her was against her will and against her father’s will as well. One day, after a year had passed since her marriage to him, Hajjaj heard her sitting in front of the mirror looking at herself and saying: “Hind is nothing but an Arabian mare, descended from mares, and a mule has ridden her!”
If she gives birth to a foal, then may Allah reward her, and if she gives birth to a mule, then the mule gave birth to it!)
Al-Hajjaj became extremely angry, so he sent for his servant and said to him with extreme anger: “Go to her and tell her that I have divorced her. Tell her that in two words, and if you say a third, I will cut out your tongue. Give her these twenty thousand dinars.”
Indeed, the servant went to her and said one sentence to her: “You were lost!”
The meaning of these two words is “kanti” which means you were married, while “bant” means you have become divorced!
As for Hind, she was more eloquent and articulate than him, so she said to him: “We were, but we were not happy, and we were sad!”
She gave him the twenty thousand dinars that Al-Hajjaj had given him and said to him: “Take these twenty thousand dinars for yourself, for the good news that I have brought.”
It was reported in the news that no one dared to propose to her, and as for her, she did not accept anyone less than Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi. One day, she gave some poets a lot of money to praise her in front of “Abdul Malik bin Marwan,” and indeed they praised her in front of him to the point that he admired her and asked to marry her. Before that, he sent to his agent in the Hijaz to describe her to him, and he sent to him saying that there was no fault in her.
When Abdul Malik bin Marwan proposed to her, she sent him a letter in which she wrote: “The dog licked the vessel!”
He understood her intention and sent her a letter: “Wash it seven times, one of them with dirt.” She sent him another letter: “I agree, but on one condition: that no one will drive my camel from this place to you in Baghdad except Al-Hajjaj himself.” The Caliph agreed to her condition and ordered Al-Hajjaj to do so!
While the bride was in her wedding procession, which was led by “Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi”, she deliberately dropped a dinar from her hand to the ground. She also deliberately said to Al-Hajjaj: “Boy, a dirham has fallen from me, so pick it up for me!”
Al-Hajjaj picked it up and said to her: “But it is a dinar, not a dirham!”
Hind looked at him and said: “Praise be to God who replaced the dirham with a dinar!”
Al-Hajjaj understood this and kept it to himself and did not reveal it to her. He understood that God Almighty had replaced her with the Caliph “Abdul Malik bin Marwan”, meaning that she had married someone better and more virtuous than him. As soon as they all arrived at the Caliph’s palace, Al-Hajjaj stayed behind in the stables and the people were getting ready for the feast. The Caliph sent for Al-Hajjaj, but he replied saying: “My mother raised me not to eat what is left of men!”
Caliph Abdul Malik bin Marwan realized Al-Hajjaj’s intention, so he ordered his men to bring his bride into one of the palaces. He did not approach her, but he used to visit her every day after the afternoon prayer. She did not rest until she knew the reason for his absence from her and his failure to enter her. She did not stand idly by, so she devised a plan to do so.
She ordered one of the slave girls to inform her as soon as the Caliph arrived. She had sent him a message that she needed him for a very urgent matter. As soon as he arrived at the palace, she deliberately cut her pearl necklace and lifted her dress to collect the pearls. As soon as King Abdul Malik bin Marwan saw her, he was amazed by her beauty and charm, and he felt great regret when he decided not to enter with her to the word of Al-Hajjaj bin Yusuf Al-Thaqafi. Hind said, as she arranged the pearls: “Glory be to God!”
Abdul Malik bin Marwan said in astonishment at her: (Why do you glorify God?!)
She said to him: “God created this pearl to adorn kings, but His wisdom willed that only gypsies could pierce it.”
Then the Caliph’s face lit up and he said to her: “By God, you are right.” He had understood what she meant, and he said to himself: “May God curse whoever blames me for you.” Then he entered with her.
Read also: Stories and lessons entitled: Nothing hurts like tears of oppression!
Also/ Stories and lessons that touch our painful era