Get a complete course in CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and PHP for free

Get Complete Course in CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript and PHP for FreeYou can get a full course for free from the most popular site, Udemy. You can also benefit from this course with ease. You can benefit and learn with ease.

Get a complete course in CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and PHP for free
Get a complete course in CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, and PHP for free

Full course covers CSS , Introduction , JavaScript and BHP For free, so I’m here to tell you: you got it on a silver platter! The internet is full of great free courses, and all you need is a little patience and a love of learning. Let’s start with the steps you can take to get these courses:

1. Free Courses Sites:

1.1. Udemy

One of the best sites where you can find free and paid courses, as many trainers offer their courses for free or at low prices for a certain period of time. These courses include:

  • CSS, JavaScript, PHP, MySQL Project (Sometimes free).
  • Search for HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript, PHP You will find comprehensive courses.
  • Use the price filter and choose “Free”.

1.2. Coursera

This is another site that has courses from international universities, you can sign up and take the course for free without getting a certificate (or you can pay if you want to get a certificate at the end). Look for courses that include:

  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript for Web Developers.
  • PHP for Web Development.

1.3. edX

edX has partnered with renowned universities like MIT and Harvard. All you have to do is search for courses in JavaScript, CSS, Bootstrap, PHP You can register and follow the course for free without the need for a certificate.

2. YouTube

The site with the most completely free courses. Professionals upload courses all the time and teach you step by step. Check out the following channels:

  • Traverse Media They have great lessons in CSS, JavaScript, and PHP.
  • Network Ninja Advanced courses and fun tutorials for JavaScript and Bootstrap.
  • Code Academy They have a series that explains CSS and JavaScript in a fun and easy way.

3. Interactive platforms:

3.1. Free Code Camp

This site doesn’t just give you lessons, it’s an interactive site that lets you apply the code as you learn. They have a complete path that starts from the basics all the way up to creating full-fledged websites using:

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, JavaScript.
  • BHP Available as articles and tutorials.

3.2. Academic code

If you like to gain practical experience while learning, this is a great site. Start with HTML, CSS, JavaScript Tracks, and you’ll find yourself close to efficiency.

4. Arabic language courses

4.1. Barmaj.com 🇸🇦

A distinctive Arabic platform that contains free courses in the Arabic language. They have courses in:

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap.
  • JavaScript and BHP .

4.2. gallery

Rawaq is an Arabic academic platform that offers courses on technical topics in general. Go to the web development courses and you will find a detailed explanation of the programming languages ​​you need.

5. Tips for Self-Learning

  • Set your goal Try to learn a new topic or complete part of the course every day.
  • Instant application What you learn, try to apply it immediately by building small projects.
  • Participate in the developer community Whether it’s Reddit, StackOverflow, or even Facebook groups, you’ll find people who share your interests and can help you.

The best features you will get when using this course

1. Design modern and attractive websites using CSS and Bootstrap

  • CSS It will give you complete control over the design of the site, you will learn how to make the pages look beautiful and consistent in terms of colors and fonts.
  • Introduction It is a ready-made framework that helps you speed up the design process in a simple and professional way, so that you can build responsive websites that fit different screens from mobile to tablet and computer easily.

2. Add interactivity to your sites with JavaScript

  • You will learn how to make your site “alive” and responsive to user actions. You can add functionality such as alerts, forms that submit data, buttons that interact with the user, and control content based on what the user selects.
  • JavaScript It is the client-side language, and will be the backbone of any interaction on your site.

3. Create Dynamic Websites Using PHP

  • After finishing BHP Part two, you will be able to create dynamic websites that connect to a database and interact with users. This means you can do the following:
    • Log in and log out Pages.
    • Web Applications that can store and display user data (such as forums, blogs, and online stores).
    • Dealing with Forms And storing data in databases.

4. Integrate all technologies

After mastering these languages ​​together, you will be able to:

  • Building integrated websites starting with front-end design using CSS , Introduction, and JavaScript .
  • Add intelligence and backend programming Use BHP so you can connect your site to a database (such as MySQL).

5. Ability to build real and professional projects

  • Personal sites where you showcase your work (portfolio).
  • Build web applications like a simple CMS (like WordPress mini).
  • Develop personal blogs, online stores, or even simple interactive platforms.

6. Open the door to the freelance market

Once you master these skills, you’ll be ready to enter the world of freelancing. You can offer website development services to clients, or work with startups that need web developers. You can command excellent wages for the skills you’ve acquired.

7. Prepare yourself to learn advanced languages ​​and technologies.

  • JavaScript It is an entry point for advanced learning. Frames like reaction or Vue.js.
  • BHP It is the gateway to learning powerful frameworks such as: Laravel To build larger, more complex web applications.

Link to download the full course for free Click here

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